Best Places of Interest is an interactive platform with a diverse range of articles to satiate an all-compassing taste. With articles and innumerable topics, to quench your thirst for knowledge and prepare you to find answers on Travel, Food, Education, Lifestyle, Events and Festivals, Book reviews, and more!
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. ~ Benjamin Franklin

I believe as you move through this life…you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life- and travel- leave marks on you. Travel makes you modest and you realize what a tiny place you occupy in this world. To travel is to live. Besides travel, I love to read, write, love DIY, Coffee, Music, Cooking, Photography, Family, Friends, and Life.
~ Kash Pals
Testimonials/ Recognition
Awards received by ‘Best Places of Interest’, thanks! All are mentioned here for the award.

I would really like to thank Arun from mytravelpedia.net for nominating me for the Liebster Award.

I am honored to be nominated by Inspiring Max from http://www.inspiringmax.com/ for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

Twinkl, a UK-based educational resource company, featured me as one of their Top Indian Travel Bloggers 2023.
Nice to meet you – thank you for visiting my blog! You have a lovely blog.
Nice to meet you too. 🙂
Hello there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and that I find your content insightful, refreshing, and apt!
Thank you, do keep visiting. 🙂
You’re welcome, and I will!
Very informative blog.. keep posting.
Thank you, do keep visiting. 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy blogging!
I travel occasionally but your blog pics are so beautiful that they make-up for it. Thank you.
I am glad you like my blog. Do keep visiting. 🙂
Lovely blog. Thanks for visiting mine. 🙂 Sylvia
You have a lovely blog too. 🙂
Hi there, the compilation on your blog is highly varied and interesting, so glad that you visited https://untraveledroutes.wordpress.com/ so that I could discover yours.
Will definitely stay connected 🙂
I am glad you like my blog. Thank you for stopping by and do keep visiting. 🙂
Absolutely friend….
Hi I have nominated you for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Whether you decide to accept or not you deserve the recognition. For more information please see http://www.inspiringmax.com/sisterhood-of-the-world/
Thank you for nominating me for the award.:)
Hi Kash Pals, I have been nominated for a Sunshine Blogger award and am spreading the ‘sunshine’ by nominating your blog as well. You have brought Sunshine to my day on many occasions simply by stopping by and liking or commenting on one of my posts. I have also enjoyed reading your blog posts and seeing your photos in return. I hope you will accept this award and pass on the sunshine to those that have made your day.
Congratulations on being nominated for Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you for passing on the award to me. 🙂
Hi thank you for taking the time to visit my page.
my blog is also about travel and foods or places to eat here in The Philippines, its still new so thank you so much for checking on my post, you have a wonderful weekend!
You are welcome. Thanks for stopping by. Do keep visiting. Have a great day ahead. 🙂
Great blog; look forward to reading many of your posts:) Thanks for stopping by mine!
Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
Thanks for your visit to my Blog! You have a great Blog and I would like to go through it at my leisure!
Thank you for stopping by. Do keep visiting. 🙂
Hello Kash, this is Shine, your 100th follower. Nice to meet you. Photos are very good of your blog. Look forward to more adventurous story. Congrats for achieving 100 followers.
Thank You. Your words of appreciation are welcome and inspirational!
Nice blog about travel and adventurous. I am also crazy about to travel around the world.
Thank you for stopping by. Do keep visiting. 🙂
Hi! Thanks for following Knowing Neurons! I wanted to invite you to join our mailing list, as we will no longer be sending out automated WordPress email updates. Please subscribe and never miss a post! http://knowingneurons.com/subscribe/ 🙂
Thanks, will subscribe to it in a bit. 🙂
I really enjoy your blog. I wanted to introduce myself, I am Jackie. I admire your blogging. I also wanted to say that in 2009 three blogs got hacked or I’d be well known here in the blog world. Keep up the great work.
Welcome Jackie, to my blog. Thank you for the kind words of appreciation. Sorry to hear about your blog being hacked. Even my blog was hacked a few months ago. I was not able to access it for a while until a techie I know helped me out. I am glad to hear you are back. Happy Blogging. 🙂
Congrats on your interesting blog. I love to travel too, in fact most of my blog posts now come from recent travels, although they are limited to Family trips and adventures now. I started a Travel theme in my Table of Contents for like minded travelers. Happy Travels!
Welcome to my blog. I love to interact with like minded travelers. Happy Travels to you too. 🙂
A very interesting blog. I am looking forward to reading more.
Thank you. 🙂 Welcome to my blog.
Hey, I have just nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award.:-) Check out my post for the details – https://audreysimplicity.com/2017/02/09/sunshine-blogger-award/
First of all, Congratulations on your award. Thank you for nominating me for this award. I am glad to know that my blog brings about positivity, happiness, and inspiration to you. I was earlier nominated by another fellow blogger inspiring max for Sunshine Blogger Award and so, I feel another new blogger deserves it now more than me as have now turned older blogger and to welcome them into this blogosphere.