Round the world

Travel from around the world

4 Kinds Of Short-Term Australian Visas For Tourists

4 Kinds Of Short-Term Australian Visas For Tourists

Flying to a foreign land is a rewarding activity each one of us wants to experience. We’d love to see new sights, delve into a different culture, learn a different language, taste different cuisines, and for some, earn foreign currency of a greater value. But before you dream about these fun things, there are a […]

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Melbourne, Australia

Five Must-See Unspoiled Places In Melbourne

In the Australian state of Victoria, Melbourne is considered as a state capital. It is also the most populous in Victoria and the second-most populous in the country of Australia and Oceania. Melbourne is filled with great sceneries, wonderful and tall buildings and they also offer different kinds of food for the tourists. The people

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Gardens by the bay, Singapore attractions

15 Amazing Attractions You Should Not Miss in Singapore

Singapore is just a tiny red dot on the world map. However, this city-state is an ultra-modern country with world-class amenities, making it one of the best holiday destinations. Moreover, it is clean and almost 100% crime-free. While the city is full of skyscrapers and luxurious buildings, Singapore has been able to preserve its cultural

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