Gulmohar Galore

Delonix regia is a bright red flower that blooms in tropical climates this season bringing in a burst of color to the greening trees. Its beauty all around is captured here in photos and paintings. Love those reds.

Flamboyant or Gulmohar Tree

With the advent of spring in India, you can see a Gulmohar tree in its full blossom. The botanical name for it is Delonix Regia. Every spring in India is blessed with these gorgeous red flowers in full bloom that cover the trees vibrantly. In English, it is known as Royal Poinciana or the Flamboyant Tree.

I have many such beautiful trees near my residence. The tree has ornamental value as well provides shade in tropical conditions.  The tree grows around 12 meters in height and spreads extensively providing full shade with its dense foliage. The flowers are large with red or orange petals.

         Earth laughs in flowers ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

These trees grow in tropical climates and can be found in their full bloom in the following regions – Bangladesh from April-May, South Florida from May to June, India from April to June, Australia from November to February, and Thailand from April to May.


A morning glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.~Walt Whitman.

Opening my window in the morning to the sight of bright Gulmohar flowers and green leaves is a moment to be cherished.

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature ~ Gerard De Nerval.

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