I am honoured to have been nominated for Liebster Award. Getting appreciated for my work and getting an award is always a happy feeling. I would really like to thank Arun from mytravelpedia.net for nominating me for this award.
Liebster Award is given to recognize and/or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the world of blogging. It consists of 10 questions that the nominated bloggers answer in a blog post and link it back to the blog that nominates them. They then must create 10 new questions that they’ll ask 10 upcoming bloggers who will do just the same.
Here are the questions which I am supposed to answer:
- Do you have any place in mind which you feel is underrated when it comes to tourism?
Madhya Pradesh in India is underrated. There are many sites worth visiting like Pachmarhi falls, The Bori-Saptura Tiger Reserve, Satpura National Park, The Kanha National Park, Mandu etc.

- Hotels or hostels?
I prefer to stay in hotels but on backpacking trip with friends it is in hostels.
- Your top most essential travel item (excluding your passport)?
Travel Packing Aid which includes currency, travel documents, toiletries and other important items. A neck pillow while travelling.
- What is your best advice in saving money while traveling?
Well, I will try to be brief here. Discount in everything from airfares, while eating, car rentals, to currencies, don’t give up looking for Deals, group discounts, talk to locals so that they can tell you places where to eat and some may even offer you to stay over, mini tours.
- What is one of the best travel lessons you’ve learnt so far?
If I had to sum up our lessons learnt due to a bitter experience they would be:
- Do your own research, travel agents are great if they have visited the resorts but if they haven’t been there they know as little as you do.
- Get multiple quotes and also contact the hotel directly.
- Find people who have been to or have recently booked the resort you want and ask them which travel agent offered them the best deal. Follow up with those travel agents.
- If it sounds too good to be true just contact the resort directly, they can tell you if the agent is legitimate or not.
- Consider issues such as insurance, liability and exchange rates
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
I like the idea of living in the south of France. A small cottage nestled in the hills and vineyards, where I could write and escape.

- What was one of the most unusual/ unexpected travel experience you’ve encountered?
On one of our travels, our mode of transport broke down in the middle of nowhere. We were horrified. Just then the locals came to our help and took us to their village home. We stayed there for the night. They also served their local food.Next morning, they took us to the nearest bus stand in their mode of transport. We were so glad and thanked them for everything. This was truly an unexpected travel experience I have encountered and cherished.
- Do you miss home while traveling? If yes, then what makes you miss home?
Travelling is such a delight! Why think about something you’ve left at home?
- What’s your preferred mode of transportation while traveling?
Definitely a train. I can relax and read, or get up and go to the dining car for lunch and watch the country roll by as I meet new people. Airplane if travelling over water (ocean)
- What’s your next travel destination and why?
Australia Sydney for its lovely beaches, the harbour, Botanic Gardens and Sydney Opera House.

My Nominees for the Liebster Award (in no particular order) are:
- Vijay Kumar Sharma- phototravelings.blogspot.com
- Indrani Ghose –http://isharethese.blogspot.in/
- Deepak Ambelal –mumbai-eyed.blogspot.com/ http://magictravels.blogspot.in/
- Satyender S Dhull –http://bnomadic.com/
- Mariellen –breathedreamgo.com
- Anitrice, a.k. Godivaworld Travels – http://godivaworldtravels.com/
- Subhadip Mukherjee –subhadipindia.wordpress.com
- Manisha Tajne-http://thetraveljunkieblog.com/
- Svetlana –maverickbird.com
- Self drive trips –https://selfdrivetrips.wordpress.com/
Here are my questions to other nominees:
Q1. Your favourite travel destination till date?
Q2. What is your most cherished experience you have encountered?
Q3. Your experience on travelling solo?
Q4. Would like to say something to women out there about travelling solo?
Q5. Do you prefer hotels or hostels?
Q6. The most hilarious/funny experience you encountered on your travel?
Q7. What is your next travel destination?
Q8. When did you start blogging? What made you start a blog?
Q9. Name three hardest things/setbacks that you experienced through your blog?
Q10. How did you overcome obstacles?
Congrats on your award!
And thank you very much for passing it on to me. 🙂
Thank you, Indrani 🙂
Congrats and lovely answers 🙂
Thank you, Purba.:)
Congratulations Kashpals. Look forward to your post on Sydney soon.
Thank you, Somali. Have you been to Australia?
No Kashpals . I haven’t been to Australia, though I was on the verge of going on a project, but the plan changed just 2 days before the scheduled date of flight, and I ended up traveling to Belgium instead. 🙂
Wow! Belgium. Chateaus in Belgium are awesome.Did you taste the Belgian chocolates of the locals and visit the chocolate museum over there?
Belgian chocolates – Yes , Museum – No 🙁
Hearty congrats!
Thank you. 🙂
Great answers, congrats! 🙂
Thank you, Sahaj. 🙂