Australia day is just a few sleeps away. It is considered as the official National Day of Australia and is celebrated annually every 26th of January. The said celebration marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and also the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip.

Australia day is a day that is being looked forward to by Aussies and also foreigners that travel from different parts of the world to visit and witness the festivities of the country. Some also go not just to witness but to also experience the whole week of celebration by having a planned long getaway and vacation. If you are coming to Australia Day then here are the top five things you can enjoy on January 26, 2017:
Top 5 things to enjoy on AustraliaDay

Yes, you read that right. There are a lot of parties across the different cities of the beautiful country of Australia. Since it’s their biggest day, many establishments and villages are throwing a party where friends and family can mingle and gather together to celebrate the event.
You can join parties in different places in Australia and you can also throw your own and invite your loved ones! Most of the awaited parties are happening in cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Gold Coast, and many more.

Australia Day is just like celebrating the New Year! Although it is more personal since Aussies are celebrating a very historical event. Fireworks is something that you have to look forward in visiting Australia since they have a strong reputation of having the best fireworks displays in the world.
The best fireworks display can be seen at the bridge near the Opera House in Sydney, Australia. Get your cameras ready and pose as soon as the fireworks pop and crack in the beautiful sky of an equally beautiful and wonderful country, Australia. A lot of things are happening in Sydney Harbour and they are the following: ferry races, jet fighter displays, street performers and also a cruise ride in the waters for a better view of the tremendous fireworks.

Food in Australia, especially during Australia Day, is something that you can’t ignore. There are many delicacies that you can eat and enjoy with your family and friends. Across the cities, there are restaurants where you can avail of local dishes like meat pies, Anzac biscuits, chips and fish, tim tams, beetroot and many more.
If you’re celebrating at home, you can try grilling BBQ in your backyard. That’s actually one of the Aussie ways to celebrate especially if you’re the laid back type of person. But if you are outgoing, you can go out and enjoy the food and festivities around the streets of Australia.

Meeting new people is something that you have to put in your bucket list. Aside from celebrating Australia day, you should also take into consideration the fact that making friends is one way to build connection and also gain new family members. It’s not about using them for your own sake and good, it’s about knowing how to deal with different kinds of people. Sometimes you need a friend to tag along in order to enjoy events like Australia Day. By making new friends, you get to know more about the culture of Australia especially if you are a tourist coming from another country.

There are numerous festivals that are celebrating ‘Australia Day’ all over the country. Of course, we can’t deny the fact that the best ones are located in the heart of Australia which is Sydney. But, you have to try the small festivals that are celebrated in small towns especially if you are looking for a more authentic type of experience.
But if you really plan to just stay in major cities, there are festivals that you can enjoy: Melbourne Australia Day, Sydney Festival, Australia Day Stone Creek Festival and many more. If you are up to experience a very Aussie way of celebration, then you have to go to any of the festivals mentioned. Enjoy live music with people and savour every single moment!
These are the top things that you may enjoy if you come to Australia. There is really no formula to enjoy and have fun in a certain event, you just have to indulge yourself and explore more. Australia is frequented by a lot of people during January since that’s where the festivities starts to make waves for the very much-awaited day: AUSTRALIA DAY!
Author Bio:
Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a daytime writer for Holiday Inn Parramatta, a modern hotel in Parramatta Australia that provides exceptional service and care to their customers from all over the world. Mark also enjoys travelling to different places and he uses his experiences as inspiration for writing.